Saturday, 21 June 2014

Physcial Fitness is good for a health life

Body Height  got importance my  brother 

Body Height , and disorder stories : Why few people are taller 
Can you touch the  ceiling  fan  from  floor  , with leg firm in Play ground  can you touch the top of foot ball post , From the road itself can you see the inside of the bus , what will be answer of most of the people  who read this . But there are certain group of people who can do this . 

6 Feet and more taller people .  These people had a association in kerala called  KERALA TALL MEN ASSOCIATION. 6 Feet or more height people are only members of this organization . Taller people in world first organization . Even Head height are Royal people  , they are simple people who are involved in lot of charitable activities 

In Thrissur year 1999 the KERALA TALL MEN ASSOCIATION IS FORMED . Airforce retired Zacherian Joseph  leadership this organization is formed with 15  members . First members , 6feet 4 inch zacheriah behind all other 6 feet members stand together . 18 year age people can only be members of this group. Doctors, Advocates, Engineers , etc in kerala 14 district are members of this organization now with 4000 Members . In Chalakudy the state committee office is working . Tiegreece Antony is now the President and Liju Puthenvalikara  is the secretary .VIP programs control organization Tall Men Executive force part sub organization at present . 

In Kochi Sharukkhan  program , and in Kannur Mardona program security  arrangement include tall men major role . from this program money , this organization is conduction many service oriented project is under the leadership of this organization . 

The Disorder due to height : 

Stand Head raised  is a pride symbol , but this tall people had lot of difficult to do this . While in Journey they had problem like in entering a car , no able to stretch the legs, head touching  the tops, no getting dress of their length in ready made , Slipper not in size , marriage as 6 feet more people look the girl dislike , even if  men can consider these low height and over height people . Even in case of Girl, tall  girl can only marry tall men only . for this tall men association had a major role in it in promoting marriage , but these people face things positively ignoring the difficulties in tall height . 

Kerala tall people 

Tall Men Association  record show that Kerala most tall period is at thrissur Paratti place P.A Kamaruddin . 7.5 is the height of the person .Almost 2 M less than 22 Cm . Even if Kamaruddin wife Laila  is having the normal height . They had two children . These two is normal people . In Rajanikanth , Kamalahassan film  he had acted as a villan  in Malayam and Tamil Movie and appeared more than 25 other films and the reason for this is his height . In kerala the tallest school girl is Palakkad place Alameena who is 200 CM Height

The Family of Tall people :

Parappanagadi C.V Shamsuddin  192 cm  tall and his eldest daughter is taller than his father 200 CM , his younger son is taller 183 CM , but the two other daughter is having normal height . both only  5 Feet . But shamshuddin is happy telling , higher qualification and Tall height is difficult to get a life partner .
Shamshuddin will tell he got the height from his father who is 6 feet 3 inch and his brother are also taller . Even though he is taller , he used to travel in KSRTC bus . he is taller andhealther also . He is employeed in Ambulance  like that that carrying people on his shoulder and reaching the road ambulance job .

Any thing over dose is injuries to health  Like that this tall height is injuries to height also . This is due to hormone producing level change . In our body there is Growth Hormone, Thyroid Hormone , Sex hormone . This growth hormone is in body in large quantity after  18 years age will cause Jarasim disease . On reaching the age of growth of 18 years , this hormone in large quantity will cause tumor disease below the brain in pituitary organ . A men 7 ft and  women 6 ft  may be hereditary but above that many due to disorder .

Heart Problems and Bone Weakness :

Apart from over height other disease can occur, over growing hormone result in heart value swelling and result is cadiopathy disease. In addition , there bone cartilage in excess result in weakness of bones result in ostio therazhi disease .
Over height is disorder body shape results in mafan syndrome . This person body collage vein dimension is by  birth fault is a result of the problem resulting in excess laxcity in bones .
These person heart and IATA valve vein problem result in heart failure . Over Height patient heart can enlarge in bigger size result in Emphysena disorders. There heart valve consist of cysts that may  explode result in collecting in the organs while they do some job or coughing result in pneumothorax disease . As a result over height can cause disease to the heart . 

The Result behind lower height and lower growth 

Low height disabnormality is called darfisam or short stacher name itself a disease is reason of low height where a man is below 5 ft and women below 4 ft . and small height variation is called short stacher . Hormone deficiency by birth is heart and heart value disorders ,nutrient deficiency , other disease, bone disease, hereditary disease , hormone variation , leg and hand length short , due to phorphilene darfisam result in normal abdomen but with short leg and hands is Dupoposhet dwarfism

Exercise with family 

               Walking to dancing                                      .
Exercise with family had many good effect . Major advantage is forgetting the extra effort in exercise due to enjoying .
Recently heard a incident that surprised , A Father , Mother , 6 year child together early went for morning walking , they walk , walk and go . There on the road side saw a hen as the boy had seen only fast food like chicken fry and chicken curry  in dining table and in surprise told Dad and Mum there is live chicken . This kind of incident will make us all to thing . The reason in this in today busy life , we may be  aware of the nature, communicating with  each other , enjoying  together by this morning exercise like walking and joking . In today life morning joking, swimming  every one like to do , but early morning  exercise alone is boring as we are lazy . But wife and children together is enjoying .Whole family together doing the exercise itself is a pleasant experience . Family can join together in exercise is not difficult . That not only walking , but swimming , cycling , garden decoration and even dance also are some other ways making daily action or activities  is itself a exercise 

Walking with one minds at the same time 

Exercise any thing , but do it with happiness is the reason of doing exercise main advantage . One person  woke up early and walking other is preparing them for exercise . Every one can start and end the exercise at the same time . Swimming type  exercise doing alone risk or accident will not happen . At same speed exercise can be done , even in walking no one will tired not stop or leave the exercise will not happen . Family members relation will be spiritual joined and will lead to a healthy mind . 

Doing a nice Walking 

In a week at least for 5 days  walk for 30 and 45 Minute . Warm up before walking for 5or 10 minutes . In continuation walk for 15 to 20 minutes  , later reduce the walking speed and stop the walking exercise . In Every week  , increase the duration of time of walking . Walking speed depends on the stamina of the person . 50 kg weight person if doing 30 Minute speed walking 132 calorie and in normal walking can burn 106 calorie .
Heart attack patient , old age people together walking is more safety. Walking heart and heart related organs functioning ability will improve . Breathing organs functioning will improve . Body joints strength will improve . Joints flexibility improve .  Over body weight get reduced . heart attack, diabetes , blood hardening , cancer , etc disease will be reduced  to half . Walking daily will increase  the amount of good cholesterol , diegriside will reduced .
Walking will reduce body fat and reduce the fat generating hormone Estragen Hormone  and will reduce the Endosmetrian cancer cells , bone weakness will be reduced and will increase the quantity of the red blood corpuscles. Walk fast with  shaking handing . Exercise is important and doing  every should understand   . 

Swimming is healthy

Every age people equally liking exercise is swimming .  if swimming is done together is giving lot joy and happiness .  Joint pain  resulting walking difficulty , this kind of exercise is  moving body every parts and this exercise will reduce knee pain joints .
Few hour swimming and remaining time not doing exercise will not be useful , Non stop and same speed swimming continuously is necessary . This is a useful cardio exercise , now a days it is possible to aerobatic exercise inside swimming pool. Swimming pool aerobatic exercise need more body strength. Continuous swimming is necessary .while swimming the reaching end distance is called lap.From that point no stop and non breakable return swim is necessary.  
Normally in swimming upper body muscles , ie backside, chest , shoulder, upper body muscles is function , will result in full body movement workout exercise is swimming 

Cycling Exercise 

Cycle riding people can do this exercise. Non rush able pocket and big grounds are ideal place for cycling . Purified air breathing cycling exercise is good for health . Lower body or leg parts will get more exercise in cycling . Body weight and time spend on cycling work comparison your body extra calorie 75 to 670 g will be burned .
In 30 minutes cycling , time pass cycle ride will reduce 75 to 155 calorie per hour  , and normal cycle riding will reduce less fat and high speed cycling will reduce more calorie of fats  


Living close to the Nature  exercise is  Gardening. Once in a week ,old and young can join together can do this . The work can be divided as per the physical stamina . Horse pipe can be used for watering the plant . Shrubs and weeds can be removed by small children.  Slight older children can carry water for watering the plant . Pick axe work , loading , planting can be also be done .
This is a whole body exercise  By this whole body get the exercise .Shrubs and weeds cutting will reduce lot of calorie of fats . Weeds cutting with automatic earth movers can be replaces by manual weed cutting equipments.  Lying down and removing weeds will increase the strength of the foots and legs. Ladies useful exercise is daily morning dusting the premises of the house with shrubs . This will reduce their lower abdomen area even improve the strength. 

House hold work exercise . 

House work is other type of exercise ,  in this whole family can be a part of it . Cleaning is giving exercise to the whole body , cleaning the fan, walls , cardboard, windows , will give more strength to the upper body muscles. Removing the dust will give good shape to the fingers , even burn the extra fat and calorie in the body .

Next Dance :

Family members enjoy  hit song  and dancing in now a new trend in kerala , and it is not the jim aerobatic dance . Family Members their own choice play a song and dance accordingly . This is important cardio exercise and a interesting hobby also. This will increase the heart beet and heart functioning . Fat reducing exercise also . Body joint , leg and hand exercise and give movement to the whole body . Body joints strength will increase . Trekking and Hikking will also give strength to the body joints .
Make the whole family to join and exercise now you think . Interesting hobbies if made as exercise will benefit a lot . The result will be Full healthy life . 

Good old age and Good Exercises

Simple Exercises for your throat ,abdomen ,Knee bend with more strength make old age beautiful .
As we grow old the Body strength will get reduced , body join strength and movement will also get reduced . this will give rise to pain and stress not only but also to wrong body shape and less physical strength . But those who exercise daily will not have to depend on any one in the daily life and also getting cured from diseases .  While in young ages  , not doing exercise might should not be a reason for disappointment .  Even as age increases , it won’t be too late to start the exercise  you had to decide . Exercise when doing will not only give physical strength but also mental stability. Old people doing exercise daily importance is shown in many research modules . Exercise when heard can cause injuries to body is reason of avoiding it , but as a part daily life , exercise can be done with less strain and stress for old men .

Neck exercise :   improving the movement helping exercise is Isotronic exercise . Old age body movement difficulty  body parts area is neck . this can be cured by few exercise like 

Pendular Exercise 

Towel Pull Exercise 
String Exercise
Trunk Rotation Exercise
Spine Extension Exercise
Pelvic tilt exercise

Shoulder Exercise

Knee Excercise

Back Bone Excercise  can be done in simple way lead to a healthy life in old ages

Early to bed make a man healthy , wealthy and rise  :